Tuesday, May 18, 2010

After my amaryllis has bloomed and the flowers are dead should i decrease the watering?

I hace an amaryllis and it is finished blooming and the seed pods are ripe and they are ready to be picked should i cut of the stock and decrease the wateing? I have 24 seed pods i have an amaryllis that my grand mother crosbreeded and it is a gigantic bulb and she started it from seed 30 years ago and the flowers there color is violet with blue in it it is kind of like minerva exept the colors are violet and blue.

After my amaryllis has bloomed and the flowers are dead should i decrease the watering?
No, you need to let the leaves grow and develop to feed the bulb, so it has energy to bloom next year. Fertilize it with miracle gro or another good house plant fertilizer, let it grow and be healthy until sometime in early fall, then stop watering it so it can rest. Lay it on it's side so you don't water it accidently. The leaves will dry up, and in about 12 weeks you can start watering it again, and it will come up with a bloom spike.

My amaryllis stays outside on my deck in the sun all summer, and when fall comes, I let it rest until about 3 weeks before Christmas, then I take it out of the pot, shake all the dirt off and repot it in new soil, and start watering it again. It is in a six inch pot, and it stays in it. I think they bloom best if they are a little potbound. You might need to have a bigger pot, depending on your bulb size.

Your plant sounds beautiful! Wonder what the babies will turn out like? You never know with plants, you could have something really unique!
Reply:no add more water each sunday
Reply:No, I would not trim anything green off a bearing Hippeastrum. The plant needs as much photosynthate as possible to survive and bloom again. Keep it going according to the usual cycle, and let it dry off gradually on its own. If at all possible, I would not allow the plant to fruit multiple years in a row.

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