Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have Delphiniums that are blooming purple instead of blue like they are supposed to...?

I think it has to do with the soil alkalinity or acidity. If the flowers are supposed to be blue, and are purple instead, which does my soil have too much of? How do I fix it? I live in Southern Michigan. My other blue flowers have a slight purplish tinge to them, too.

I have Delphiniums that are blooming purple instead of blue like they are supposed to...?
Too much blue indicates to much alkali...add Miracid

Too much pink indicates too much acid...add Miracle Gro
Reply:It could be that they were "cross pollinated" with a "purple one", so you will have purple instead of blues.

I once grew an Atlantic Giant Pumpkin in my Brother in Laws yard. He had a garden near by and all his squash were "orange"...

Man, was he a bit upset about it...But, I thought it was funny, because we would never have imagined THAT would happen...now, I know about cross pollination :)

I wish you well..


long shoe horns

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