Sunday, November 15, 2009

How do I plant the blue flower seed in harvest moon save the homeland for PS2?

I have it in my key items but I have no Idea on how to use my key items. I can't move them or anything. So how do I use them?

How do I plant the blue flower seed in harvest moon save the homeland for PS2?
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Title : Harvest Moon : Save the Homeland

Publisher : Natsume

Developer : Victor Interactive Software

Platform : Sony PlayStation 2

HM STH faq (c) 2001 arcaneja (

Important notice : Please put Harvest Moon Save The Homeland or HM STH in

the topic when writing to me.

v 0.6 - now being hosted on in addition to Also,

information on the Likes/Dislikes Section. Also ran the whole thing through

a spell check. ^_~

Sunday, March 30th, 2003


A CRY FOR HELP - If you have beaten EITHER of the Treasure Hunt endings of

this game, PLEASE email me with the correct information to get the events

that end the game. Treasure Hunt I or II only please, I DO know how to get

the Fishing Ending, but until I get it myself, I'm going to refrain from

posting the sequence of events.

If you are going to email me information about these events, please list it

with proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and try to put it in a similar

format like the ones I have used for the endings in this FAQ.


Before Reading This FAQ/Walkthrough, read this!

I am going to assume that everyone who has this game has the instruction manual

for it and has read it. This means, basically, that you know what all the

buttons on the controller do.

1) Table of Contents :

1) Table of Contents

2) Places

3) People

4) Animals, and how to get them

5) Housing extensions

6) Growing and selling crops

7) Harvesting wild produce

8) Recipes

9) Daily Walkthrough + Nine ways to beat the game - Walkthroughs

10) Secrets + Playing Tips

11) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

12) The big THANKS! + Contact Info

13) Copyright Info + Version History


2) Places :

Farm : A barn for cows and a horse. A chicken coop. A pasture land with grass.

A place to grow crops.

Ronald's Supermarket : One screen north of Farm. Open 8 am - 6 PM, closed

on Sundays. Buys Potatoes, Tomatoes, Corn, Breadfruit, Very Berries,

Cranberries, Blueberries, Cheese, and Yogurt.

Louis' Tool Shop : One screen north of Ronald's Supermarket : 10 am to 6 P.M.,

closed on Wednesday and Saturday. Buys Moonlight Ore, Rare Metal, Copper Ore,

Medicinal Herbs, and Milk.

Lyla's Flower Shop : One screen north of Ronald's Supermarket : 9 am to 5

PM, closed on Sunday. Buys Potatoes, Tomatoes, Corn, Moondrop Flowers, Pink

Cat-Mint Flowers, Herbs, and Limestone.

Brownie Farmer's Store : One screen north of Louis/Lyla : 9 am to 5 PM, closed

on Thursday : Buys : Cows, Chickens.

Clove's Villa : One screen east of Brownie : 8 am to 6 PM, closed on Sundays

(and if there is no one in the Kitchen). Buys Potatoes, Tomatoes, Corn,

Breadfruit, Eggs, Milk, Herbs, Cheese, and Yogurt.

Carpenter's Shop : One screen south - east from Ronald's Supermarket. Opens

Early. Closed on Tuesday and Thursday. Buys Blue Rocks, Rare Metal, Copper

Ore, Iron Ore, and Limestone.

Cafe/Bar : One screen south of Carpenter's Shop. Cafe 12 noon to 5 PM. Closed

Mondays. Buys Herbs, Breadfruit, Eggs, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Very Berries,

Cranberries, Blueberries, and Jams.

Bar open 6pm to 12 Midnight. Buys Very Berries, Cranberries, Blueberries,

Walnuts, Mushrooms, Fish, Cheese, Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Corn.


3) People :

Farmer. Birthday : Spring 1st. This is the character you control.

Nic, Nack, and Flack. Birthday : Unknown. These Sprites help you and the

Harvest Goddess to Save the Homeland.

Favorite Food : Mushrooms, Produce

Exclamation/Heart : Mushroom

Flack : Fruit Flan

Harvest Goddess. Birthday : Unknown. She grants wishes for you.

Favorite Food : All

Exclamation/Heart : Vegetables

Ronald. Birthday : Spring 11th. He runs the Supermarket north of your farm.

Favorite Food : Cake

Exclamation/Heart : Gold Egg

Wallace. Birthday : Summer 1st. He owns the Cafe and Bar next to Harvest

Goddess Lake.

Favorite Food : Fish, Herbs

Exclamation/Heart : ? - Not known yet, if you know, please E-Mail it to me.

Katie. Birthday : Fall 29th. She is Wallace's granddaughter. She works at

the Cafe/Bar.

Favorite Food : Cookie, Cheese

Exclamation/Heart : Cheese, Special Cheese, Full-Moon Berry. Also, after

you give her the recipe in the "Cake" ending, she will also give Hearts for

Gold Milk and Gold Egg.

Louis. Birthday : Fall 2nd. He owns the Tool Shop. He is also an inventor

and a musician.

Favorite Food : Eggs, Herbs.

Exclamation/Heart : Gold Egg, Gold Milk

Lyla. Birthday : Spring 27th. She owns the Flower Shop. She likes dogs and

Pink Cat-Mint Flowers.

Favorite Food : Blueberries

Exclamation/Heart : Pink-Cat-Mint Flowers, Special Cheesecake, Full-Moon


Parsley. Birthday : Spring 16. He is a botanist who travels the world in search

of rare plants.

Favorite Food : Herbs

Exclamation/Heart : Pontana Root

Bob. Birthday : Summer 1st. He runs the Farmer's Shop. Likes sweets and


Favorite Food : Cake, Egg

Exclamation/Heart : Gold Egg

Tim. Birthday : Fall 12th. He is Bob's little brother. He wants to be a

treasure hunter.

Favorite Food : Egg, Cake

Exclamation/Heart : Gold Egg

Gwen. Birthday : Summer 8th. She helps her grandpa Woody run the Carpenter's

Shop. Don't give her flowers. She likes animals.

Favorite Food : Cranberries, Blueberries, Very Berries, other foods.

Exclamation/Heart : Gold Milk, Homemade Jam, Full-Moon Berry.

Martha. Birthday : Winter 25th. She's an old maid who cares for Dia.

Favorite Food : Special Cheese, Egg, Yellow Flower

Exclamation/Heart : Special Cheese

Gina. Birthday : Fall 20th. She is also Dia's maid.

Favorite Food : Fish, Egg

Exclamation/Heart : Gold Egg, Full-Moon Berry.

Dia. Birthday : Winter 9th. She's a rich girl who studies a lot. She is very


Favorite Food : Blueberries. She also likes Blueberry Jam.

Exclamation/Heart : Blueberries, Full-Moon Berry.

Woody. Birthday : Winter 2nd. He runs the Carpenter's Shop.

Favorite Food : Produce

Exclamation/Heart: ? - Not known yet, if you know, please E-Mail it to me.

Joe. Birthday : Summer 10th. He's a Carpenter's Apprentice. This one loves

to fish and would like a job as a fishing guide.

Favorite Food : Fish

Exclamation/Heart : Cooked Fish

Kurt. Birthday : Winter 10th. He's a Carpenter's Apprentice. This one is

interested in Nature and gardening.

Favorite Food : Tomatoes, Produce

Exclamation/Heart : Tomatoes


4) Animals, and how to get them :

Note : The Status screen in your house is your best friend for all animals.

It will tell you the development and health of every animal you have. Just

hit X facing your Journal, then select "Status".

Chicken - Either buy one (500 g) from Bob at the Brownie Farm or buy a fresh

egg (50 g) from Ronald at the Supermarket and place it in the incubator in

the Hen House.

To care for Chicken -

Sunny Day - Leave it outside all day (at the very least from dawn until dusk).

Pick it up and talk to it with SELECT button to find out how it is doing.

From adult chickens you will get an Egg. From really healthy chickens that

are outside on sunny days there is a chance that you will get a Gold Egg.

Rainy Day - Put it inside the night before it is going to rain. Feed it with

Chicken Feed bought from the Brownie Farm. Make sure you put the food in the

correct box for your chicken. Use the X button to see if the chicken's name

is on the feed box, then using Square fill the food box up. Do this for every

chicken you have. Pick it up and talk to it with SELECT button to find out

how it is doing. From adult chickens you will get an egg.

Cow - Buy it at Brownie Farm (2500 g) or get a baby from Cow Miracle Potion

(2000 g, Brownie Farm).

To care for Cow -

Sunny Day - Leave it outside all day. Talk to it with the X button and brush

it. You can milk adult cows. The size of the milk depends on how well you

care for your cow. If your cow is really happy there is a chance that it will

give either Gold or Large Milk. You can not milk Baby or Pregnant cows.

Rainy Day - Push it inside the night before it is going to rain. Talk to it

with the X button and brush it. Make sure to give Fodder to each cow. Use

the X button to see if the cow's name is on the feed box, and then put the

Fodder in. You get 1 fodder for cutting 3 pieces of grass in the pasture.

You can milk your happy adult cows. The size of the milk depends on how well

you care for your cow. You can not milk Baby or Pregnant cows.

Horse - Get it from Bob at the Brownie Farm. You must work Part-Time Job on

Sunny Days before 3 PM. Make sure to talk to and brush all

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