Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I am using steele blue and champagne wedding colors, with a touch of tangerine in the flowers, any other ideas

When is the wedding (season wise) and how big is it? You could do a champagne table cloth with a sheer steele blue square over it. A silver plate covered in blue glass gems (the kind people put in the bottom of fish tanks) with a hurricane glass with a tangerine candle on top... Silver chargers and silver flatware. White, smooth plates, and beautifully cut steamware. The chairs- a white wood - could be covered in the same sheer blue covers tied with silver ribbon and tiny "copy cat" flower arrangements on the back. If I knew a little more about your wedding (indoor/outdoor, season, number of people, etc.) I could help more, sorry! But congratulations!!!

I am using steele blue and champagne wedding colors, with a touch of tangerine in the flowers, any other ideas
That sounds like plenty of colors...you don't want to overdo anything. You could always use different shards of orange with the blue and champagne if you'd like.
Reply:Say what now?
Reply:You might want some green to balance the palate. Sounds pretty.
Reply:dont add to many colours.. keep it simple.. so far I think its good, but I think the tangerine might be too much, .. just my opinion, also depends if its a wedding outside or indoors and time day/ night and time of year..

if its night darker colours.. in the middle of day light then light colours..

I like very much the blue steele and champagne..

what other ideas you are after? music? place?..food?

safety boots

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