Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Witchita Blue Juniper Spiral tree has issues - any suggestions?

I have an approx 5 yr old Witchita Blue Juniper spiral that stands about 5 1/2 ft tall. Last summer the bottom half of the tree had new growth, but the top half didn't. This year, so far the tree is very dry and doesn't seem to have any new growth. The tree is in a flower bed, so I think it got enough water last summer. It's sheltered from the wind, and is in full sun. Any ideas about causes and remedies?

My Witchita Blue Juniper Spiral tree has issues - any suggestions?

It might be a good idea to prune it back. This could be a reason for the sporadic growth pattern. I would also loosen the dirt and add some organic mushroom compost to the soil. This is an organic fertilizer that will last up to one year. It doesn't smell great, but your Blue Juniper will love it. For the first couple of weeks after you prune and add the compost, take a hose, and turn the water on low, and allow the entire base of the tree to get soaked. This will ensure all the roots are getting water.

If you don't have any, add some pine straw or mulch around the trees, as this will help retain the moisture. I am a landscaper and designer sometimes some of the Juniper species will do this funny growth pattern. I will link you to the proper pruning page of my website. This will show you the correct way to prune your tree. I will also link you to the site map, as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if you can find any other articles, tips or techniques that may be of help to you. Good luck to you and have a great day!




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