Sunday, May 23, 2010

What color of flowers should someone use in their wedding if? (Read Details)?

Their gown is Ivory and Blue.....

Do you think plain ivory or blue (whatever flowers would be blue?)

What color of flowers should someone use in their wedding if? (Read Details)?
Being that flowers really aren't actually white white I would probably do some ivory roses with blue hydrangea mixed in. I think the hydrangea would give it enough of a contrast to the dress. Do you have a picture of the dress that you could post? And what color blue?
Reply:Go with a neutral does white sound?
Reply:Just make sure you have something that is a neutral shade blended with your dominant shade. You can go with blue flowers but perhaps have a few in different shades of blue like a darker blue, a lighter blue, blue violet and something white so its like a wide array of colors but they dont clash but they arent boring because there is a mix in there. :)
Reply:I think the flowers should be a contrasting color. How about yellow roses?
Reply:Oh I think blue roses would be gorg. They can change the coloring with food coloring in the water. But you could go with white if you wanted.
Reply:blue violets..
Reply:I personally think that a plain ivory bouquet will get lost against the ivory and blue. You selected to put a color on your gown because you like originality and color, so keep it up with the inclusion of color in your flowers.

Since the ivory and blue are softer colors, I'd stick with soft colors,



yellow and lilac

soft corals and yellows
Reply:I think.. clear blue..
Reply:Yellow flowers!! Nicely happy too!
Reply:I just got married 2 months ago and wanted something contrasting to stand out against my ivory dress and I did a beautiful bouquet of all red roses. They were amazing in the pictures and I got tons of compliments on them. My girls also wore red so they matched well. I think any contrasting color looks great with a white or ivory dress. Any matching flowers would just get lost with the same backround.
Reply:How about you try calling this number/store. Good Luck!

i think this bouquet will be nice with an ivory %26amp; blue dress.

Reply:I think yellow or orange flowers are a good constrasting color. You don't want the flowers to be lost in the photos.

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